Quest for the Sound of Truth


Wilderness of Solitude

~ Wilderness of Solitude ~

Its 6 o’clock in the evening of Sunday, 15th of May of 2011, and my mind is already wandering beyond time and across spaces. I feel “I need serenity, in a place where I can hide…”; I need to get the f*** out of here. So in less than an hour I decide to go to Somnath, where I own a small home, in order to finish up some work and to have some change. I took the 8:30 night bus that dropped me at Somnath at 5:30 in the next morning in a comparatively calmer, cooler and more humid atmosphere than back at home.

Here I am, on a desolation row…

Finishing up a part of my work, the next day I went out wandering around the village and the temple area. The stronghold of the temple and the trust would put even some of the richest and most secured venues at shame. Money matters.

Somnath Temple

The Temple and The Sea-shore of Somnath

Somnath, I believe, is not a place just for Preachers… it also welcomes Philosophers, Politicians, Profiteers, Punks and Pricks. Somehow, I too feel welcome! Indeed, religion is the most influential institution for its power and control; never mind the obscuration of the hidden agendas. While these kinds of trusts generally make in millions, one can easily spot the neglect that the village of Somnath has received from the so called growth of the region. Religion is a big business, indeed.

We hear stories of the religious tourism yielding commercial benefits to the localities.

Somnath Trust - Rate Card

big business..

Now, does this really help local businesses? May be it does, by putting the people out of the business. Take a look at the streets of the village to know how much benefit the localities have actually received from their beloved god or religion or the government.

There used to be a nice sea-shore, often considered violent and fatal, right next to temple. The plans of the government, as shown in the pictures below, are to stretch the land artificially by some landfills and create a safe harbor between the two extensions, where people can enjoy the ocean waves.

The Landfill - Extension

Extension to alter the sea-shore..

Cranes @ work...

Somehow construction and demolition are just two sides of the same coin...

Crane at work - 2

Crazy species we are...

Crane at work - 3

Finishing up the day work.. soon to change the shifts..

Sea-shore Harbor at Somnath

Work in progress.. life in progress..

Natural Deconstruction..

Caused by Ocean Waves, Courtesy : Construction endeavor.

Well, play around until the nature takes its turn, and when we pay the toll.

The Check Post

...or a war post?!? May be the infidels are gonna pay.

Next day, in order to finish my initial work for some plans that I have, I roamed around the internal streets, carrying with me my lost faith humanity and its “still alive” naivety…

gathering some fresh and organic mangoes for friends and family…


Mangoes - the Kesar breed .. the ones I like most..

.. and I discovered something really beautiful.  🙂


Humanity is obsolete.. we need a new term..

Life is precious. Love knows no boundaries.

Unfortunately, the fate of this planet lies on the actions of the most irresponsible and selfish species one can ever encounter.

Now that I’m back at home, the deafening screams of wilderness of my solitude ended with an utter sense of beautiful reality, less humanity.

Here are some more pictures of the wilderness I enjoyed, while escaping the solitude wrapped around by this naive society.

Society… crazy indeed. 🙂


“The freedom and simple beauty is too good to pass up…”

Wilderness - Ocean 1

Wilderness and Solitude

Wilderness - Ocean 2

Wilderness and Solitude

Wilderness - Ocean 3

Wilderness and Solitude

Wilderness - Ocean - 4

Wilderness and Solitude

Wilderness - Ocean - 5

Wilderness and Solitude

Wilderness - Ocean - 6

Wilderness and Solitude

Wilderness - Ocean - 7

Wilderness and Solitude

Wilderness - Ocean - 8

Wilderness and Solitude

Wilderness - Ocean - 9

Wilderness and Solitude

“Facing the blind death stone alone, with nothing to help but your own hands and your own head…”

Wilderness - Ocean - 10

Wilderness and Solitude

Wilderness - Ocean - 11

Wilderness and Solitude

Wilderness - Ocean - 12

Wilderness and Solitude

Wilderness - Ocean - 13

Wilderness and Solitude

Wilderness - Ocean - 14

Wilderness and Solitude

Wilderness - Ocean - 15

The Sun and The Wilderness of Solitude

Wilderness - Ocean - 16

The Sun, Wilderness and Solitude...

There is a pleasure in the pathless woods; 

There is a rapture on the lonely shore; 

There is society, where none intrudes, 

By the deep sea, and music in its roar; 

I love not man the less, but Nature more… 

– Lord Byron

Well, anyways, I’ve found a reason for me to change who I used to be… 🙂

Ronak R. / RokZRooM

Living Though Music, ‘Cause Life’s Worth It.

Quotes: From Into the Wild, some music I enjoyed listening during this trip and life’s learnings..